The new hub of chemical engineering leadership
A flagship project for The University of Queensland (UQ), The Andrew N. Liveris Building creates a campus hub by connecting the faculty of engineering, architecture and information technology. By incorporating a range of collaborative spaces with overlapping boundaries between learning, research and industry, the design encourages a sense of shared discovery. A key element of the project is based on facilities designed to mimic real world industry standards. The design informs a specific pedagogical approach; learning and research through industry focused solutions. Overlooked by learning spaces and informal student areas, the design places the Pilot Hall at the centre of the building, increasing the connectivity between learning and research. This industrial scale research environment showcases the fundamental processes used in an ideal range of industry sectors like energy, water, bioengineering, metals, materials, gas, food, mining and petroleum. Our design features state of the art experimental laboratories that are built with the evolution of the faculty in mind. Coupled with a design that position UQ as a hub for chemical engineering leadership.